05 January, 2009

quotes, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Reflection

Celebrate the feast of Christmas every day, even every moment in theinterior temple of your spirit, remaining like a baby in the bosom of theheavenly Father, where you will be reborn each moment in the Divine Word,Jesus Christ. -- St. Paul of the Cross

"Live simply, so that all may simply live."St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

For Reflection:Today, I will do an examination of conscience according to this quoteand ask myself these questions: "What two virtues are implicit in thisquote?" "To what extent has a consumerist mentality prevented me fromliving these virtues?" What positive steps can I take, beginningtoday, to remedy this situation?"

1 comment:

Texas Exiles said...

"Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned away from silence. Every day he invents machines and gadgets that multiply noise and distract man from essential life, from reflection, from spiritual immersion. Motor-car, airplane, radio, atom bomb are the latest victories of progress. Man today has nothing essential to do, but wants to do this nothing with speed and super human noise. He wants to be distracted, and fails to suspect that the robot who now holds the reins is driving him to the meaningless. In the midst of all the horn blowing, howling, screeching, thundering, crashing, whistling, gnashing and chirping, he feels confident. H is anxiety is calmed. His inhuman emptiness grows like a monstrous gray plant." -- Hans Arp, "Arp--On My Way, Poetry and Essays 1912 - 1947"

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo da Vinci

"Our society is so abnormal that the normal man never dreams of having the normal occupation of looking after his own property. When he chooses a trade, he chooses one of the ten thousand trades that involve looking after other people's property." - G.K. Chesterton, Commonwealth10-12-32

"God gave man the earth for his cultivation as the most beautiful and honorable occupation in the natural order" Pope Pius XII