26 May, 2011

Latin Mass in Patton, PA

One of the things we most missed about Jacksonville, FL (friends excluded) was our Church.
Immaculate Conception in downtown Jacksonville is an amazing and wonderful Church.
We loved the Latin (Tridentine) Mass each Sunday, we miss terribly having Confession before every Mass, the stunning beauty of the Church, teaching CCD, all the lovely parishoners who welcomed us with open arms.  A Knights of Columbus council that was very active - and YOUNG! 
And,  our priest.  Father Murphy, a wonderful and holy priest we had the priviledge to know for that time.

Here, the only available Latin Mass in our area of PA (hostile bishop, former now - God bless our newly installed Bishop Bartchak) is in Patton, PA at Queen of Peace Catholic Church.  The call it "Latin in Patton".  When we move I always research Church's, homeschooling (and the laws) and other various things like best value shopping and so forth, where we are moving. 
So, I had known about the Latin Mass, but this is PA.  We moved in September 20th and snow was right around the corner.  Patton is norther and into the mountains from us - an hour.  Needless to say, we weren't going until after the spring thaw....
we are still waiting, LOL! 

Well at the Catholic Homeschool Conference we attended we were told that all the homeschoolers go to the first Sunday Latin Mass each month, and stay after for breakfast and socializing.
First Sunday was the next day...........
So, we went to Harrisburg, PA Saturday and Patton, PA the next.
I am so not a traveling gal.
But, I was in for a treat.  It was a 1st Sunday High Mass is celebrated in its full solemnity, with the Asperges (sprinkling with holy water), incensing, torchbearers, and the St. Benedict Schola Cantorum chanting the Mass. The church breakfast is held from 7 AM to 1 PM.  If you click the above link, Latin in Patton you can see a close up of the high altar.  The reliquaries are amazing.  I'd not seen them before like that on the altar.
Here are some pictures -

Look up and all around the Church are symols of the Blessed Virgin with the titles.

They are amazing.

Side Altar/left

Ambo - See the Holy Spirite in the top?
St. Michael the Archangel is on the very top.

St. Michael the Archangel.
not very clear

Main Altar

Steps up to the main altar.

Right side altar.

Cool confessionals, right?

Really, really beautifully sung.  I felt like I could see into Heaven.

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